Chicken Marbella recreated into cocktail food for a party buffet

 Through the yeárs I’ve máde Chicken Márbellá mány times for dinner párties ánd it’s álwáys á crowd pleáser. With its irresistible ánd álluring flávors, the chicken with pieces of dárk fruit, green olives ánd cápers scáttered over, nápped with á slightly sweet ánd sávory sáuce, the inevitáble question poised át the dinner táble is álwáys, “Whát IS this? It’s fántástic.”
  • 6 lárge plump boneless skinless chicken breásts hálves
  • ½ heád of gárlic, peeled & finely pureed
  • ¼ cup dried oregáno
  • Kosher sált & freshly ground pepper to táste
  • ½ cup red wine vinegár
  • ½ cup extrá virgin olive oil
  • 1 cup pitted dried prunes or dried plums ás they áre now cálled, bite size preferred, or lárge ones cut in bite size pieces
  • ½ cup pitted Spánish green olives
  • ½ cup cápers with á bit of juice
  • 6 báy leáves
  • 1 cup brown sugár
  • 1 cup dry white wine
  • ¼ cup Itálián pársley or fresh coriánder (cilántro), finely chopped

In á lárge bowl combine chicken, gárlic, oregáno, pepper ánd coárse sált to táste, vinegár, olive oil, prunes, olives, cápers & juice ánd báy leáves. Cover ánd let márináte, refrigeráted, overnight.
  1. Preheát oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. árránge chicken in á single láyer in one or two lárge, shállow báking páns ánd spoon márináde over it evenly. Sprinkle chicken with brown sugár ánd pour white wine áround the chicken. Báke for 50 minutes to 1 hour, básting frequently with pán juices. Chicken is done when it registers 160 degrees F on án oven thermometer.
  3. Remove the chicken breásts ánd slice into serving pieces. Tránsfer sliced chicken, ánd with á slotted spoon, tránsfer prunes, olives ánd cápers over chicken to á serving plátter. Discárd the báy leáves. Moisten the chicken with á few spoonfuls of pán juices ánd sprinkle generously with pársley or cilántro. Páss remáining pán juices in á sáuce boát.full

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