Avocado Tomato Grilled Cheese Sandwich

It’s álmost unnecessáry for me to wálk you through the máking of this ávocádo tomáto grilled cheese sándwich. Like everyone knows how to máke one right? Just gráb your fávorite breád (white, sourdough or in my cáse á locál bákery fávorite with cheddár), sláther with butter, top with your cheese (I use át leást two different cheeses, one super melty like Kerrygold’s sweet cheddár ánd án áged cheese like their Dubliner), tomátoes, ávocádo slices, ánd á whooping cráck of fresh pepper ánd seá sált. Grill those up on á hot skillet until cheese is melty ánd runny ánd you áre good to go with your ultimáte grilled cheese sándwich! Dinner or lunch in 10 minutes or less with lots of háppiness.

  • 4 slices of your fávorite sándwich breád (white, sourdough etc)
  • 2 táblespoons Kerrygold butter
  • á few slices of your fávorite cheeses (I used Kerrygold sweet cheddár ánd Dubliner)
  • ½ ávocádo, sliced
  • 1 tomáto, sliced
  • Seá Sált ánd Pepper to táste

  1. Spreád ábout ½ táblespoon butter on one side of eách slice of breád. On the unbuttered sides of the breád, stáck your cheese slices, ávocádo ánd tomáto. Finish up with á dásh of crácked pepper ánd sált. Máke á sándwich of your slices. On á hot skillet or fry pán, pláce sándwich, butter side down, ánd cook with á lid for 3-4 minutes or until golden ánd cheese stárts to melt. Flip sándwich over ánd cook for ádditionál 2-3 minutes until golden ánd cheese hás melted.aclassictwist.com

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