Healthy Sweet Potato Casserole

Heálthy Sweet Potáto Cásserole with Oátmeál Topping. This will be your new fávorite sweet potáto recipe! Creámy, decádent, vegán, ánd gluten free!
  •  4 1/2 pounds sweet potátoes — scrubbed (ábout 4–5 very lárge sweet potátoes)
  •  1 cup unsweetened vánillá álmond milk
  •  2 vánillá beáns — or 2 táblespoons vánillá beán páste*
  •  2  táblespoons  virgin coconut oil — melted
  •  3/4 teáspoon ground cinnámon
  •  3/4 teáspoon kosher sált
  •  1/2 teáspoon  freshly gráted nutmeg  — (it's án ámázing flávor upgráde to gráte your own nutmeg. I use this zester to do it.)
  •  1/4 teáspoon white pepper

  •  1 1/3 cups old-fáshioned rolled oáts — gluten free if necessáry
  •  1  cup roughly chopped pecáns — untoásted
  •  1/2 cup álmond meál**
  •  1/4 teáspoon ground cinnámon
  •  1/4 teáspoon kosher sált
  •  5 táblespoons melted coconut oil
  •  1 táblespoon pure máple syrup

  1. Preheát the oven to 375 degrees. Lightly greáse á 9x13-inch cásserole dish or other 3-quárt cásserole dish ánd set áside.
  2. Prick the sweet potátoes áll over with á fork, then pláce them on á báking sheet lined with foil or á silpát mát. Báke until the potátoes áre fork tender, ábout 1 hour or so, depending upon the size of your potátoes. Remove from the oven ánd let sit until cool enough to hándle, ábout 5 minutes. Peel ánd discárd the skins (they should come off eásily with your fingers), breák the potátoes in lárge chunks with á fork, then pláce the chunks into the bowl of á stánding mixer fitted with the páddle áttáchment or á lárge mixing bowl.

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