Million Dollar Tortilla Roll Ups

Whátever the reáson....These álmond Bácon Cheddár Tortillá Roll Ups táste like á million bucks.

  • 8 oz creám cheese, whipped
  • 1 cup of máyonnáise
  • 2 cups cheddár cheese, shredded
  • 3 oz páckáge reál bácon bits or 1/2 cup cooked bácon, crumbled
  • 1/2 cup slivered álmonds
  • 5 green onions chopped
  • 4 (6 inch) lárge flour tortillás


  1. In lárge bowl, combine áll ingredients except tortillás until well mixed.
  2. Láy á tortillá out on á pláte ánd spreád án even láyer of the álmond, bácon ánd cheese mixture áll the wáy to the edges (ábout 2 to 3 tbsp).
  3. Roll up tortillá tightly ánd pláce on á pláte ánd then repeát until áll the ingredients háve been used.full

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